What are the benefits of web hosting?

What are the benefits of web hosting?

The most apparent benefit of web hosting is the strikingly low cost associated with most shared hosting accounts. In fact, some shared hosting plans cost as little as per month, which is incredibly affordable, especially considering the number of server resources that are allocated to each hosting account. As hundreds of sites can be hosted […]

FAQ: Web Hosting

What are the benefits of web hosting?

The most apparent benefit of web hosting is the strikingly low cost associated with most shared hosting accounts. In fact, some shared hosting plans cost as little as $0.49 per month, which is incredibly affordable, especially considering the number of server resources that are allocated to each hosting account. As hundreds of sites can be hosted on a shared web server simultaneously, it becomes an incredibly profitable situation for the hosting company and the hosting account holder. If you are trying to maintain a strict monthly budget then you may want to consider shared web hosting for your next internet endeavor. Aside from the lower cost shared hosting plans often come with unlimited features such as unlimited bandwidth and unlimited disk space. These “unlimited” features are made possible because the size of the server partition can quickly be increased or amended to suit the needs of the webmaster. Shared web servers distribute the server load evenly to keep sites performing optimally. If you do exceed your plan usage with shared hosting, you'll usually receive a warning rather than a bill, and in most cases, the company will help you upgrade to a new plan. Many shared web hosting plans will also let you host unlimited domains. Some people refer to this kind of hosting as multiple domain hosting. If you own many websites and you'd like to operate them from within a single interface, then you may want to consider shared hosting. If you are unsure about your needs as a webmaster then you may want to consider a shared hosting plan, as they are very expandable and the risk is low since the plans are affordable.

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