How to connect to VPS via SSH and PuTTY?

How to connect to VPS via SSH and PuTTY?

When we install your VPS, you get an email containing your password for root access. Root access lets you connect to VPS via SSH. SSH is a secure communication protocol. You can access your server through a command terminal (Linux or MAC) or through third-party software on Windows (e.g.: PuTTy). Once you have opened the terminal, type the following […]

Knowledgebase: VPS Hosting

How to connect to VPS via SSH and PuTTY?

When we install your VPS, you get an email containing your password for root access. Root access lets you connect to VPS via SSH. SSH is a secure communication protocol. You can access your server through a command terminal (Linux or MAC) or through third-party software on Windows (e.g.: PuTTy). Once you have opened the terminal, type the following command to log in to your VPS, replacing the text after the @ symbol with the information required (IPv4 address):
ssh root@IPv4_of_your_VPS
After this step, you will be asked a root password to which you will enter without showing on the screen. Upon pressing the "ENTER" or "RETURN" key, you will be connected to the server as the root user.

Logging in as ROOT via PuTTY on Windows:

Open your SSH client, in our case, we’ll use PuTTY.
Enter your VPS’s IP as Host Name.
The Port should be 22.
Then, simply click Open.
You’ll see a warning screen, where you need to click “Yes” to confirm your access.
Now, the terminal window will open and you’ll see “login as:”, then simply enter “root” and hit Enter.
Then you’ll see “root@*your VPS’s IP* password:”. Enter your root’s password. (Note: for security reasons, the password will not be visible when you are entering it)
Then you should see “root@*VPS username* [~]#” and voila! You are now connected to your VPS server!

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